Thursday, 20 March 2014

Turning 40 - Part 3

29. Attempted a triathlon and failed.  It was Lifetime Fitness’ “Try a Tri” – 20 minute swim, 30-minute cycle in the studio and 20 min run on the treadmill – easy, right?  I was working out regularly and thought that I could do it.  But the morning came; I swam fine, and then got on the cycle.  Within 10 minutes I felt lightheaded and had to get off.  A few minutes later I was throwing up outside the cycle studio – embarrassing! I did end dong the 20 min run at the end and I’m still proud of trying.  I hope that I’ll get a chance to try a Tri again – and succeed. 
30. Cried in my boss’ office and survived – another failure story.  There have been moments in my life when I love my job and am good at it.  And there are other moments – when I’ve taken on too much.  About 4-5 years ago, I took on some graduate classes and an internship and I just couldn’t complete it while raising 3 young kids.  When I quit the program and told my principal, I cried. It was embarrassing at the time, but it didn’t end my career.  Just a few years later, I was loving my job again being praised by my co-workers and boss
31. Watched a movie marathon til the Break of Dawn (part 2) - It was actually the Twilight series, last year.  Sure, I had many movie marathons in my teens, but it felt awesome to ditch the kids, and stay up with good friends, doing something totally ridiculous as an adult.
32. Lived in another country – It may seem like I’m grasping at straws, but living in Canada is totally out of my comfort zone.  Some people are world travelers and want to live in many different places.  I’m not one of those people.  So I constantly remind Kumar that living in Canada counts as my missionary experience.
33. Hiked in the Grand Canyon- I didn’t get to go all the way down to Phantom Ranch, but I enjoyed a short hike down part of the Grand Canyon with my friend Joo during one of my cross-country road trips.  It was beyond awesome.  There is nothing like nature to make you feel how enormous God is. 
34. Saw the world through my child’s eyes – I think I had more fun at Disneyworld that my kids did.  It was an awesome vacation that was well timed (our kids were young and eager) and well planned (by me). Some say that its all marketing, but I think it is an amazing family memory and worth every penny
35. Watched fireworks at Eiffel tower – this was all my husband.  I’m not a world traveler. I like home. But last year, Kumar talked me into the European vacation of a lifetime and I spent Bastille Day watching the fireworks from under the Eiffel tower.  The crowds, the heat, being out with our children past midnight in a foreign country – so not my thing.  But I’m glad we did it, because I’m pretty sure it will always be a great Dixit family memory. 
36. Swam with turtles – My family went to Hawaii in 2005 with my parents.  We went on an awesome snorkeling trip with giant sea turtles.  The organization that led it was awesome, teaching us all about the ocean.  I loved the experience and I loved the learning that went with it. 
37. Drove cross-country – I’ve done this 5 times, and it never gets old.  There is something amazing in seeing how places are connected. On this spring break trip right now I realized that Kumar and I have driven the whole west coast (Mexico to canada) too. We usually do road trips cause flying with 3 kids is too pricey.  But I also the feeling that there is a road from one of my homes to the other.  It’s a feeling that you don’t get when you fly. 
38. Danced until dawn – I’ve never been a bad girl. I didn’t spend my college years in bars drinking and participating in other debauchery, but I have enjoyed a couple of nights out laughing, dancing and enjoying the company of good friends.  I won’t apologize for that, and I hope those days will continue in my 40s (even if they are harder to recover from). 
39.Stayed a Christian - I grew up in a conservative Adventist church. Some people want to run from that lifestyle but I've grown with it. I believe in loving God first and loving others. What does that mean to Adventists? It means I'm liberal, maybe barelyadventist, or badventist in some circles. Even though there are some things within my religion that I don't agree with, being a member of the SDA church enhances my own relationship with God and with others. Some conservative Adventists may not appreciate my views or lack of faith "in the system" but I believe there is room for all of us, and I'm not leaving. 
40.  Realized my Self worth – This is something my parents instilled in me.  Maybe it is because I’m the oldest child in my family, the first grandchild on my mother’s side.  I was a little spoiled growing up.  I’ve always known that I was special. It is that belief has kept me from making many stupid mistakes in my life. I still believe it today – even on days when I feel too fat, too ugly or too stupid, but because I have great plans for me.  I am special because I am a child of God.  Happy birthday to me. 

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