Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Speak Life

Each encounter with Jesus changes our life. – Pope Francis

I saw this on Twitter this week.  I’m a little embarrassed that Pope Francis was on Twitter before I was – but he’s got an entourage, I’m sure.  Although wouldn’t it be pretty cool to see him on his iPhone sending out his latest tweet?

In the last few years, I’ve been really working on figuring out how God speaks to me.  I’ve tried long prayers on my knees, listening for the still, small voice. I’ve tried opening the Bible to a random page and letting the words to the talking. I’ve gone to small groups and listened to sermons. I’ve read books and blogs, and talked to my Christian friends and mentors.  God has spoken to me through all of these mediums. These days He also speaks to me through Twitter, Facebook and the radio. 

Last weekend he spoke to me through complete strangers.  I went to a Christian writers conference in Seattle.  I wasn’t looking for a book contract – I was just exploring.  (Really hoping I could find a way to make a few bucks writing.)  My career/calling has been such a whirlwind of emotions while living here in Canada.  I’m still playing the waiting game with immigration, but I know that through this experience God is trying to tell me something. 

So I went to this conference, all by myself.  I was ready to listen.  And God spoke to me.

In the hallways, sharing information about websites, publishers, and agents,

At lunch, while talking to other Christians about their journeys,

And through the speakers, who shared how writing, editing and publishing is their ministry.

When I walked into this building full of strangers, I was anxious.  I wasn't sure who to sit with or who to talk to.  I thought I’d have little in common with them. My mind raced. They’re “west coast.” They didn’t look like me, worship like me, and I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable inviting them over to watch Scandal on Thursday night.

But God used them to speak to me.  And I was surprised.  They ministered to me in a way that I have never felt before.  It was a case of the right people +  in the right place + at the right time.  Coincidence – NO. Nothing is a coincidence when you are praying about it. 

On the long drive home, I thought “Wow – what can I do to bring this feeling to everyone who attends our church?  Better yet, how can I bring this feeling to everyone I come in contact with every day?”   

I live my life, as many of you live yours, living from vacation to vacation– riding one high to another.  What if we could make that high (the special feeling when you know that you are loved by others and blessed by GOD), last every day, all day?  Is that possible? How can I feel a blessed by God high while taking out the trash/doing the dishes/cleaning the bathroom?

Should I whisper a prayer or verse all day long to remind me that I want to be one with Jesus?  I’m usually not a whisper kind of person – I’m an introvert on the outside but in my mind (and alone in my car) I’m loud.  Tobymac loud. 
And then I got it – at his last concert in Abbotsford, Toby (yeah, we're cool like that) shared his story of writing one of his songs, Speak Life.  It was inspired from a quote from Brennan Manning’s book “Abba’s Child. ” The Toby paraphrase goes like this:   “Anyone that we come in contact with, we offer them life or we drain them.”   
This weekend I was lifted up by my experiences and interactions with the people of the Northwest Christian Writers Conference.  As I celebrate God’s gift to us this Easter, I want to pass that gift of life along to someone who needs it. I want to everyone to know and see that I’ve met Jesus.


  1. Your closing comments relate to this Easter video my Mormon friend shared with me. Its really about the life HE offers isn't it.

